Zhengcheng Gu Classification and construction of crystalline topological superconductors and insulators in interacting fermion systems  7/5/2023

KITS-IOP-ITP Joint Seminar

Title: Classification and construction of crystalline topological superconductors and insulators in interacting fermion systems 

Speaker: Prof. Zhengcheng Gu (The Chinese university of Hong Kong)
Time: July 5 (Wensday), 14:00
Place: Rm M830, IOP-CAS

The construction and classication of crystalline symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases in interacting bosonic and fermionic systems have been intensively studied in the past few years. Crystalline SPT phases are not only of conceptual importance, but also provide us great opportunities towards experimental realization since space group symmetries naturally exist for any realistic material. In this talk,I will discuss how to construct and classify crystalline topological superconductors (TSC) and topological insulators (TI) in interacting fermion systems. I will also discuss the relationship between internal symmetry protected SPT phases and crystalline symmetry protected SPT Phases.

More details can be found in http://seminar.cpsjournals.cn/
